10 Of The Most Beautiful Steps Around The World.

We’ve found street artists who have decorated something that most of us probably wouldn’t think of decorating  public outdoor steps. .

1. 16th Avenue Tiled Steps, San Francisco


Image credits: yellofish.tumblr.com

2.Neapoli, Lakonia Peloponnese Greece


Image credits: silveratlas


3.  Philadelphia Museum of Art


Image credits: rleigh

4. Valparaíso, Chile

Image credits: oueduabroad.wordpress.com


5. Seoul, South Korea


Image credits: Kevin Lowry


6. Sicily, Italy                     

Image credits: Andrea Annaloro

7. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

8. Stairs to the musical theater in Seoul, South Korea


Image credits: Kimhwan SEOULIST


9 . Stairs of Peace in Syria


Image credits: Jood Voluntary Team


10 . Moranga Steps, San Francisco, Usa